Thursday, September 24, 2009

LVBA Fall clinics and camps scheduled...

LVBA Fall Workout

Kids of all ages up to 15, 2 hours every Sunday in October

$125 for the month (4 dates) or $40 per day

Time slot: 6-to-8 p.m.

Dates: October 4, 11, 18, 25

Sign-ups are now taking place at LVBA, call 610-351-0013 to register

LVBA Thanksgiving Camp

One day Hitting Camp on Friday, November 27.

Age --- Time--- Where--- Cost

7-10--- TBA--- ---LVBA--- TBA

11-14--- TBA------ LVBA--- TBA

30 person limit per session

Camp must be pre-registered for (i.e. call ahead and get on
our list for a session).

Call or email the academy to register.

LVBA Winter Workouts

Kids of all ages up to 15, 2 hours every Sunday in December,

January, February & March

$125 per month or $480 for all 4 months

Age groups are:

9 & under




First 25 to sign-up for each age group are locked in (first-come, first-serve)

We already have:

12 signed up for 9u

12 signed up for 10-11

10 signed up for 12-13

2 signed up for 14-15

Sign-ups are already underway, call 610-351-0013 to register